I am your support, your scaffolding
I hold you when you are tender
I bear your weight to give you form
I am the one who helps you stand
And see you through your journey
To the marvel from mortar and sand.
I know when you are strong enough
I’ll be needed no more
To your wonderstruck beholders
I’ll be a pain, eyesore
So, I’ll be dismembered Pillar by pillar, rope by rope
Promise by promise hope by hope.
"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. " ~Kahlil Gibran
as goes the sub-title to your blog "some silent observations"
truly this one shines out....
how observative...!
how many people in our lives can we match a scafolding too....! i really doubt....
@Aks: Thanks for visiting the page again and of course for the generous comments. :)
Think of the countless parents whose kids desert them, numerous lovers who give their all,only to get nohting in return and your doubts should be dispelled.
you are a gifted writer ... I am gladi came across your page..
It was a visit well rewarded :)
to a scaffolding which is 'you'... sharing with us.. your lovely thgoughts.. my heartfelt thanks..
@Anki: Infact, I should thank you as the pleasure is all mine.
Do keep visting :)
@cheery cynic: Thanks :)
good one yaar !! looks like some reallife experience ...Human nature of course
Thanks buddy...
Some times the experience of friends also helps :)
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